Timeless Wisdom: Longevity, Elderhood, and The Good Life with Ben Meyers

Timeless Wisdom: Longevity, Elderhood, and The Good Life with Ben Meyers


Individuals who embrace positivity are more likely to approach challenges with resilience and adaptability, thus enhancing their ability to overcome adversity and thrive. Research shows that a positive attitude serves as a powerful catalyst for not only extending lifespan but also enhancing quality of life, and in certain cases is a better predictor of longevity than genetics, or life choices. 

To explore the timeless wisdom behind longevity, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with history buff and the Founder of LongeviQuest, Ben Meyers. 

A demand for longevity and healthspan data led Ben to create a business to certify and learn from the world’s oldest people. Ben shares his findings about the most common attributes of supercentenarians, what supercentenarians say is the key to a long life, and the future role of AI in caring for us as we age.

Ben Meyers — Longevity & The Good Life: 

How LongeviQuest certifies the world’s oldest people. {4:02} 

The oldest person to have ever lived was a 122-year-old chain smoker. {5:18} 

Optimism, more than DNA or life choices, is the best predictor of a supercentenarian’s longevity. {7:13} 

Notable shared attributes of supercentenarians. {14:49} 

The future role of AI in caregiving. {29:46} 

People are living longer overall but it is not exponential. {36:13}

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About Lisa’s guest:

 Ben Meyers is the Founder of LongeviQuest (LQ), a research company focused on the world’s oldest people. LongeviQuest works with supercentenarians, people aged 110 and above, who have wisdom to share far beyond their secrets to longevity.


“It speaks to attitude. It's not just genetics, not DNA but the attitude that person possesses about life and their circumstances." - Lisa Cypers Kamen 

For more inspiration visit www.harvestinghappiness.com!

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